Belgian Impact Week

A new institute, a market study and a whole week of events to increase the share of capital of impact finance in Belgium.


Belgian Impact Week

The share of impact finance will most likely more than double within the next 5 years in Belgium. In order to ensure this growth and bridge the gap on the lack of funding of major challenges, 8 organizations are collaborating to found an Institute around the topic of Impact Finance which will be inaugurated this Monday 28th. This ceremony will also launch the Impact Week occurring from the 28th of November until the 2nd of December where more than 1500 people will gather to talk about impact in Brussels.

Poverty, access to housing, energy crisis, climate change, ageing population... Belgium is facing major challenges despite being a developed country. For several years NGOs, NPOs, foundations, governments and SPO’s (Social purpose organizations) have been tackling the problems but the lack of funding does not allow sufficient results to be achieved.

This observation was made by a consortium of eight Belgian organisations active in impact financing in Belgium: King Baudouin Foundation, SFPIM, Solifin, Impact Capital, BIO, Incofin, Kois and the Foundation for Future Generations Foundation. Together, they have joined forces to create a new institute, Impact Finance Belgium, publishing a market study on the state of the Belgian impact finance market and organizing an inspiring event to shine the light on the topic.

Impact Finance Belgium (IFB), the new Belgian institute

Co-initiator of Impact Finance Belgium and Chairman of Incofin, Loic De Cannière states that "It was time to combine efforts among impact players and convince investors and politicians of the need for a growing impact movement in Belgium. We cannot rely on governments and public money alone to solve the challenges facing our planet. Let’s use this great tool that is impact financing. Incofin will continue to play its pioneering role in this." IFB’s objective is to eliminate this gap and develop impact financing in Belgium through 9 levers:

  1. Raising awareness on the financial viability of impact investments
  2. Changing the culture of traditional investment
  3. Creating new investment vehicles
  4. Stimulating the growth of impact start-ups in Belgium
  5. Advancing the business know-how of impact entrepreneurs
  6. Promoting a common definition of impact finance
  7. Bringing together investors (supply) and beneficiaries (demand)
  8. Making foundations and networks real impact ecosystem builders
  9. Changing regulation to support the impact sector

What is the state of the Belgian market today? The first market study reveals it!

The Belgian impact finance market has been mapped for the first time through a large-scale study and interviews with 63 companies (Belgian funds, insurers, banks, asset managers and family offices). It is estimated that between 6 and 16 billion euros are invested in impact financing in Belgium. This represents 1 to 2.5% of total assets under management. In Belgium, there is room for an acceleration. The study predicts that within three to five years, impact financing will take up 30 billion of assets under management in Belgium.

The rallying event, "Belgian Impact Day"

All these approaches and ideas will be presented in 33 workshops and at the Impact Fair on the 30th of November at Tour et Taxis (Maison de la Poste & Gare Maritime) in Brussels. The Belgian Impact Day will be an inspiring event, especially for Belgian investors, policy makers, financial institutions and entrepreneurs.

Would you like to join us ? You’re welcome on Monday 28th of November from 5.30 p.m. at Bozar for the opening evening of the impact week or on Wednesday 30th of November from 8am to 6pm at Tour & Taxis (Maison de la Poste & Gare Maritime) for the Belgian Impact Day.

Contact details


Diane Delava
+32 474 711 630

Els Depoortere
+32 495 581 020


Emilie de Gerlache
+32 472 375 896

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