BIO Signs DFI Gender Finance Collaborative

BIO Signs DFI Gender Finance Collaborative

On April 6th, 2018, CDC group launched the DFI Gender Finance Collaborative.

The DFI Gender Finance Collaborative supports the development of shared financing principles, definitions and methodologies that promote the integration of “gender smart” decision-making into our investment processes and our own operations. The Collaborative currently consists of 14 DFIs plus the European Investment Bank (EIB).

BIO Signs DFI Gender Finance Collaborative

EDFI member institutions are now committed to taking the next step towards mobilising capital to advance women as leaders, entrepreneurs, employees and consumers, using gender-smart approaches and achieving more pipeline and / or better commercial outcomes.

They have committed to:

  • Adopt with immediate effect the 2X Challenge Criteria as an EDFI Standard for voluntary reporting on financial volumes committed to gender-smart investments,
  • Cooperate towards adopting a set of indicators, aligned to the 2X Challenge Criteria, as the shared standard for reporting gender-smart investments, and introducing joint EDFI reporting, as appropriate,
  • Develop new mechanisms for gender finance co-investment,
  • Promote increased participation by women in leadership roles among our investees, including funds, financial institutions and investee companies.

More information

Ben Jehaes
External Relations Manager

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