Business Continuity Plan Toolkits

BIO developed three toolkits to support companies in developing their own business continuity plan while considering the diverse risks and following international best practice and guidance. They can serve as guides for clients or future clients to develop their own Covid-19 prevention and response measures and plan(s).


Business Continuity Plan Toolkits

Business continuity planning is a component of building business resilience in normal times and is especially critical in cases of large disasters. For businesses to survive, they must be able to adapt their operations to the new environment.

BIO developed three toolkits to support companies in developing their own business continuity plan while considering the diverse risks and following international best practice and guidance. They can serve as guides for clients or future clients to develop their own Covid-19 prevention and response measures and plan(s). In the absence of such standalone plan, clients may also fill in a toolkit and sign it as a company document. The toolkits provide guidance and line of thought on several topics which may not be relevant as risks and challenges vary among countries, sectors and activities. In this case, the absence of measures can be justified in writing.

These documents do not constitute medical advice and are not a substitute for professional advice from international or national public health organisations, health authorities or governments. These guidance documents are intentionally short and should be read in parallel with BIO Covid-19 ESG Guidance note for employers where resources are provided to public links for employers willing to access more detailed information. This document cannot cover all circumstances and companies, as risks and challenges vary among sectors and activities.

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