Dear clients, dear colleagues and acquaintances,

All around the world, the Corona virus is uprooting our lives. In these challenging times, BIO's first concern is the health and safety of our employees. Therefore, to counteract the spreading of the virus, as of today, all of BIO's staff is working from home. All business travel, national and international, has been suspended, and all meetings are held by tele- and video-conferencing.

Fortunately, modern technology enables us to keep business running. You can continue to contact us during business hours by phone, email, skype and teams.
Our Finance Department continues to disburse and make payments. Our Investment Department continues to assess files and monitor investments. And BIO's Board of Directors and Board Committee will continue to meet and take (investment) decisions, by tele- and video-conference.

In short, for as long as the Corona crisis goes on we will do our utmost to enable our business to continue as much as usual. If we fail to do so at any point in time, thank you for your comprehension, please inform us asap and we'll try to remediate as quickly as possible.

Best regards,

BIO's Executive Committee

Carole Maman, Yumi Charbonneau, Denis Pomikala, Philippe Lambrecht & Luuk Zonneveld

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