BIO welcomes the Policy briefs published today by 11.11.11, CNDC-11.11.11, and the NGO Coalition Contre la Faim on BIO as a sustainable development actor with respect to agriculture, climate, and governance.

The notes shed a critical light on BIO’s investment strategy and practice. They contain a number of interesting insights, suggestions and recommendations that merit consideration and discussion.

We highly appreciate the interest and efforts of NGOs to investigate our performance and to identify how it could be improved. BIO is an investment organization working with public funds, therefore the dialogue with organizations of civil society is an important part of BIO’s engagement with its stakeholders.

Just like NGOs are important stakeholders for BIO, NGOs can count on BIO’s support with its private sector development expertise, experience and network. Therefore, both can benefit from joint in-depth discussions on the themes of the NGO briefing notes, and on others. In this respect, we organised an initial workshop last March and will discuss with the NGOs to organise further workshops and seminars, as well as regular concertation meetings in the months to come.

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