Publication of BIO's first digital Development and Sustainability Report

Publication of BIO's first digital Development and Sustainability Report

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) announces the publication of its first-ever digital edition of its Development and Sustainability Report. This report serves as a commitment to translate our mission and principal mandate into investments and business development support that contribute significantly to the global community's development aspirations.

This publication showcases the role BIO plays in strengthening the private sector. By doing so, it is able to wield a powerful lever in promoting decent work, equal opportunities and sustainable economic growth vs combating climate change and inequalities. We understand that these are the primary barriers to sustainable economic development, and we firmly believe that entrepreneurship, often the largest source of employment in developing countries, can be a catalyst for positive change.

Publication of BIO's first digital Development and Sustainability Report

In this third edition, BIO places a special focus on SDG 10. It is an important but under-valued SDG that calls for reducing inequalities among and within countries. This pertains to inequalities in age, sex, ability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, and economic status. Inequalities continue to be a significant concern despite progress and efforts to narrow disparities of opportunity, income, and power. Measuring inequality in all its manifestations is a crucial first step if we want to effectively reduce it within and among countries.

We invite everyone concerned with international solidarity to explore how BIO invests its resources to improve people's lives. This report provides a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the issues of impact and effect, underscoring BIO's commitment to promoting best practices in our collective journey towards achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

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