What we do is not neoliberalism, but common sense

BIO’s response to the article by Mr Raphael Meulders, Feu nourri contre la société publique BIO, published in La Libre, 15 June 2022


What we do is not neoliberalism, but common sense

On June 15th 2022, the francophone newspaper La Libre published an interview with Mr Amaury Ghijselings from CNCD-11.11.11, the umbrella of French-speaking NGOs in Belgium. The interview, entitled Feu nourri contre la société publique BIO, is a strong criticism of BIO’s mission, which is to support the development of the private sector of developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Today, La Libre published published BIO’s reply in an interview with our CEO, Mr Luuk Zonneveld with the title: "Ce que nous faisons n'est pas du néolibéralisme, mais du bon sens."

To achieve its mission, BIO has a keen interest in an open dialogue and cooperation with NGOs and civil society. That is why BIO welcomes critical debate and organizes workshops with the NGOs on priority subjects in development cooperation, such as gender equality and decent work. Other workshops are foreseen on climate financing, agriculture and food security, as well as decent wages. BIO is delighted with these discussions, as they allow for the productive exchange of ideas with its stakeholders.

To read the article (in French) you can go to the French language version of this page.

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